宾得高清 43mmF1.9 限量版黑色限量版镜头标准 Prime 镜头 [F1.9 大光圈镜头] [高性能高清涂层] [SP 涂层] [圆形隔膜] [加工铝机身] (20140) ) )

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Pentax K-Mount Lens Group



Based on the idea that the origin of photographic expression that evokes emotion is the lens, PENTAX has always sought the ideal image and developed a state-of-the-art lens group.

Five principles that express the philosophy of PENTAX.

HD coating ( HD FA 43mm )

HD coating ( HD FA 43mm )

HD coating ( HD FA 43mm )

SMC coating

SMC coating

HD coating ( HD FA43mm )

SMC coating

SMC coating